1. I'm a twin
2. I'm a middle child..2 brothers 2 sisters
3. I sleep with the TV on ...NO exceptions!
4. I have a blankie....don't judge me
5. Favorite color...PINK!
6. Cell phone is a Droid X...love it
7. I take pictures of everything and everyone
8. I married my best friend
9. I have lots of acquaintances
10.I have a handful of true friends
11.I love to talk and talk and talk....
12.I still cry over my lost Angel's Riley, Lily and Baron
13.Proud of my nephew James...my lil soldier in Iraq...come home safe/soon
14.Hate veggies
15.Would eat pizza everyday if allowed
16.I'm suffer from OCD
17. My food can not touch ever....everything in its place and no overlapping, ever
18.I love my internet friends
19.Adore FB for all the old friends now close again, they're only a click away
21.I love to RUN, but don't do it nearly enough
22.I love food
23.I'm too sarcastic for my own good most of the time
24.I wear my heart on my sleeve
25.If I hurt I will cry
26.Hurt me once, shame on me..Hurt me twice...you don't get a chance to do it a third time!
27.I can't wear socks to bed
28.I hate summer
29.I love winter, bring on the snow
30.I have 5 BLOGS!!!